It’s happened to many of us: You’re getting close to the end of the semester and you realize there’s no way you’ll use up all your residential meal plan points. You can roll over 300 points from fall semester to spring but at the end of spring, if you don’t use it, you lose it.
There are some creative ways, however, to spend your extra points:
Make a donation
Use your meal points to purchase items at the Grove and leave them at the collection point inside the Grove by the door.
Residential Life and Housing and Bon Appetit organize food and non-perishable items drives at the end of each semester. All collected items are donated to Pacific’s Food Resource Center. This fall, the drive has already started and will go on until December 10.
Purchase a bulk order
Early during a semester, you can order in bulk anything that the Grove carries.
Reach out to Bon Appetit at Sia.Mohsenzadegan@cafebonappetit.com by December 2 to place a bulk order. The payment will be deducted from your meal plan. Now you can be sure you’ll never run out of your favorite chips or sanitizing wipes.
Buy specialty items
If you can’t find an item at the Grove, Bon Appetit might be able to purchase the item for you. You can order products such as turkeys, steaks, hamburger meat and special diet foods. It doesn’t even need to be food. You can also order household items such as flashlights and batteries.
Reach out to Bon Appetit at Sia.Mohsenzadegan@cafebonappetit.com to check if they can purchase the item. If they can, place an order with them and the payment will be deducted from your meal plan.
Contact the Residential Life and Housing office at 209-946-2331 or iamhome@castingmoldingmachine.com if you have questions.